The staff at Peekaboo Photography wish you all a most wonderful Christmas and all the best for the New year.

The staff at Peekaboo Photography wish you all a most wonderful Christmas and all the best for the New year.
Christmas is coming and it’s time to get into the Christmas spirit. Although taken a while ago, I just had to post this pic to get us into the Christmas spirit. I love watching children at Christmas time, their innocence, their laughter and their excitement.
We, in spirit, become a child again, at Christmas time and are all the better for it.
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Thank you for stopping by! Here you will find our most recent photography work and current specials/promos. Please, sit back, relax and have a look around! Grab a cup of coffee, sit for a minute every now and then and enjoy our blog. We hope this blog brings a smile to your face and continually reminds you to remember the precious moments in your life.