Soleil (pronounced Solay) came to visit the studio when she was just 10 days new. This little Newborn was absolutely perfect for her photography session. So squishy, cuddly and so laid back.
Little Stephanie was quite happy to have her photo taken when she was snuggled up nice and tight. With the weather we are having in Melbourne at the moment, I’d like to be this wrapped up too!
Meet Sienna! This little newborn was 4 weeks old when she came to visit me for her first photo shoot. And she sure knew how to make me work! Beautiful baby girl, you are so sweet and so very loved.
A little while ago I got to meet gorgeous Olive and her Mama. I was taking photos of Olive’s wonderful room for LittleOne Baby Magazine and I just couldn’t go past this gorgeous baby’s smile. Olive, you stole my heart!
Hard to believe, but I’m writing this blog post wrapped in a cosy blanket in front of my computer. It seems the beautiful Autumn weather has simply disappeared. Little Miss Jaymie loved to be wrapped throughout her whole session. Perfect rainy weather today to just stay wrapped up.